Led by the University of Wales Trinity St David, Upskilling for Industry 4.0 provides qualifications to employees in Welsh industry, particularly within the advanced manufacturing sector. It supports employees to understand and engage with rapid technological change, helping to drive business growth. These programmes are designed to ensure Welsh Manufacturing companies stay ahead of the competition by identifying both existing and emerging manufacturing technologies and processes that can move your organisation forwards.
Irrespective of their location in Wales, and to some extent their usual weekly schedule, the programmes have been designed to meet participant’s needs. Delivered in bite-size chunks, there is the flexibility to schedule the study around their other commitments.
Our academic staff will work with participants to;
The project operates across West Wales and the Valleys.
Employees from any business large or small operating in any Wales local authority area. Participants must have an existing level 3 qualification as a minimum entry requirement or equivalent.
To train 302 participants over a 5 year period.