A new £30k initiative for Welsh organisations is inviting proposals to build economic co-operation between Wales and the Oita region of Japan in areas such as Arts & Culture, Sport, Academia, Tourism, Food & Drink.
Read about the funding call on the Welsh Government website.
A reminder for lead project partners to keep the WEFO communications team informed of your achievements, milestones, success stories and closure event plans in order for us to help you maximise publicity through our channels and consider Ministerial involvement.
In terms of closure procedures in general, another reminder that project closure guidance is available on the Welsh Government website.
If you have any further queries on this, please contact and discuss with your Project Development Officer in the first instance.
A new FAQ document on project closure is also now available on the website. The document aims to provide beneficiaries with answers to common questions on project closure for the 2014-2020 European Structural Funds.
Read the closure FAQs on the Welsh Government website.
The EU Structural Funds 2014-2020 privacy notice has been updated.