Communities for Work is an employability programme supported by European Social Fund, delivering employment support services in 52 Communities First (CF) cluster areas across Wales
The programme focuses on increasing the ‘employability’ of economically inactive and long term unemployed ‘adults’ by providing intensive mentoring and specialist employment advice to overcome barriers to employment
Adult Employment Mentors focus on reducing the number of people >25yrs, living in CF areas who are long term unemployed or economically inactive (not in education or training) who have complex barriers to employment. DWP Advisers focus on supporting ‘job ready’ participants into employment including;
The Communities for Work programme supports participants to consider employment opportunities, improve job search skills and acquire soft and vocational skills which both meet the demands of the labour market and help individuals to find and keep a job
Adult Employment Mentors and DWP Advisers offer:
The project works in Communities First areas of Local Authorities throughout Wales
Participants must live in a CF cluster area and be long term unemployed (aged 25 or over) with complex barriers to employment or economically inactive (aged 25 or over), not in education or training and with complex barriers to employment.
Long-term unemployed includes being unemployed for more than 12 months with one or more of the following:
Complex barriers include:
Adult Employment Mentor and DWP Adviser outcomes include the following;