Newport City Council has been leading on the delivery of ESF funded Local Authority Employability projects across the East Wales area of the region but now that work has come to an end.
Inspire to Work (I2W) targeted 16-24 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) and Journey to Work (J2W) worked to increase the employability of Economically Inactive and Long Term Unemployed people aged 25 and over, who have complex barriers to employment. Both operations provided a ‘person centred’ approach, to engage, support and enable participants to gain a range of skills, qualifications and meaningful work placements to feel confident and motivated to enter into sustainable employment or further learning.
With delivery completed at the end of September this year, it is clear just how successful the programme has been. Andrew Smailes, project manager of both operations reports that:
“Cumulatively the I2W operation has exceeded its target for male participants (103%); participants gaining qualifications (113%) and participants entering employment on leaving (120%). As for J2W, the operation has done fantastically well delivering employment outcomes despite the difficulties experienced during COVID achieving 139% of target for economically inactive participants entering employment and 138% for long term unemployed participants entering employment on leaving programme. These are some great results and they testament to the hard work of all the delivery teams across the operation within the joint beneficiaries.”
The final evaluation reports for both Inspire 2 Work and Journey 2 Work will be published on the project pages of the SE RET website once they are available.