The operation uses green spaces and environmental activities as an engagement tool into a positive model of progression; aligned with local education, training, employment and time-banking opportunities.
The project has been specifically designed to offer preventative/early intervention initiatives that promote real, hands-on opportunities to improve physical and mental well-being, re-engage with work and build sustainable networks of peer support.
This will be achieved through:
Participants will have access to a practical, active recovery journey will allow two-way movement between an eight-tiered delivery model – developing skills through a staged approach to personal development that recognises the potential for relapse, fatigue, side effects of medication, chaotic lifestyles and fluctuating levels of confidence, self-belief and motivation.
All individual participants will be experiencing long-term unemployment or economic inactivity; exacerbated by work-limiting mental health conditions. As well as a wide range of inter-related barriers to participation in the open labour market.
Monmouthshire, Newport, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Over 25’s with Mental Health issues who are economically inactive or long term unemployed including work limiting health conditions.
Economically inactive (aged 25 and over), not in education or training, who have complex barriers to employment – 200
Long Term unemployed (aged 25 and over) who have complex barriers to employment – 100